Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How to use E-bullion

What is bullion?
Bullion is one of the oldest forms of money on earth. Bullion is money in the form of bars, coin, wafer or ingots. The bar form carries a serial number and stamp of a recognized Hallmark Grade refiner.

What is e-Bullion®?
e-Bullion® is electronic bullion: international electronic currency fully backed by physical precious metals stored on behalf of account holders in Treasury Grade bullion storage facilities.

Convenience & ease of use are our keywords! We are a one-stop shop for all your electronic currency needs. At e-bullion.com you can open an account, fund, liquidate, divest or invest all in one place— with one account— and one experienced company dedicated to customer satisfaction and maintaining the highest level of customer confidentiality.

What is e-Currency®?
e-Currency® is an electronic currency that is tied directly to a particular national currency (e.g. U.S. Dollars), and the value does not fluctuate with spot metal prices.

How can I use e-Bullion®/e-Currency®?
e-Bullion® can be used for international trading of precious metals; accounts payable and accounts receivable; online instantaneous payments to other e-Bullion® account holders; and as an investment vehicle to protect your assets from financial destabilizations, just to name a few.

e-Bullion® is instant, real-time currency for international commerce. In just minutes, you can send and receive irrevocable payments from anyone, anywhere on the globe! Merchants who accept and welcome e-Bullion® are on the rise as thousands join in to participate in the fraud-free convenience of a true global e-currency system.

e-Bullion® is the true global currency for a global world economy. It has unlimited potential and is as fluid and flexible as your imagination.

Why is e-Bullion® better than other forms of payment?
e-Bullion® is the currency of the future, here today! e-Bullion® is fully backed by precious metals which cannot be debased or devalued as can fiat national currencies. e-Bullion® eliminates the risk and headache associated with fraud, stop payments, insufficient funds, charge backs, defaults, and overdrawn or closed accounts. No more high bank wire transactions fees, or Western Union credit card charges! With e-Bullion®, it is simple and cost-effective to send, or receive, small or large transactions of any size in the USA, or internationally. In just a few minutes, you can open up an e-Bullion® account for FREE. Our fees are modest and extremely competitive and our customer service is unparalleled in the industry. Click here to open your account now.

Is e-Bullion® safe to use?
The e-Bullion® network is rock solid and is designed and maintained by leading Internet security specialists. Our servers are located in disaster proof facilities with 24 hours a day, seven days a week monitoring and support. The e-Bullion® network of distributed solid security ensures your protection throughout the transaction process-- on your computer's desktop, during the transmission of encrypted information, and in our own computer systems and servers. For more detailed information, please see our Security page.

Who is responsible for physical bullion backing e-Bullion®?
GOLDFINGER BULLION RESERVE CORPORATION (GBRC) is the entity responsible for management of the bullion reserve services for e-Bullion® Company. GBRC is under exclusive contract to provide administrative duties relating to acquisition, storage, insurance and liquidation of the reserves backing e-Bullion® accounts. GBRC is managed by professionals in the Precious Metals trade with over 40 years of combined experience in trading Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium. GBRC maintains wholly-owned, or leased, Treasury Grade bullion storage vaults in Los Angeles, Delaware, Zurich and Australia for the allocated storage of the bullion backing e-Bullion®. GBRC is a registered legal Corporate entity located in the state of Delaware (USA). The mailing address for the corporate headquarters of GBRC is: Goldfinger Bullion Reserve Corporation, 30 Old Rudnick Lane, Dover, DE (USA) 19901.

Where is e-Bullion.com?
e-Bullion® Company is a registered legal corporate entity of the Republic of Panama in Central America. e-Bullion® hardware and servers are located at various locations worldwide and built to allow diversity and redundancy. Our Network allows superior built-in system redundancy and immediate backup services should any one part of the system fail.

Can I take delivery of e-Bullion®?
Yes. You may take possession of your e-Bullion® through the primary funding/withdrawal processor for e-Bullion®. Currently that is Goldfinger Coin and Bullion Inc. There is a small fee involved for converting e-Bullion® to physical delivery. This is known as a redemption premium and will vary according to the type and amount of metal you wish to redeem.

Can I trade my precious metals for e-Bullion®?
Yes. This is generally called a direct bailment or bullion exchange. This may be processed through the primary funding processor for e-Bullion®: GOLDFINGER COIN & BULLION, INC. For more information on direct bailment, please click here.

How can I fund an e-Bullion® account?
You may fund your account directly by signing into your account and following the links for account funding.

Once you sign into your e-Bullion® account, navigate to the "Fund My Account" link and follow the instructions. Currently, GFCB does not charge a fee to buy in and fund your e-Bullion® account with precious metals such as gold or silver, and there is currently no fee to fund your account with units of e-Currency® (equivalent to USD$).

Wholesale rates are available for larger orders and to professionals in the Precious Metals industry. Contact GFCB for wholesale rate quote requirements. Click here to contact Goldfinger Coin & Bullion.

Where do I send funds for my e-Bullion® account?
You will find all account funding instructions and online order forms available in the secure members-only section of this web site after you sign-in to your account.

Are there any fees involved?
Yes. You'll find that our fees are extremely competitive. Please see our FEES page for a summary of all fees.

Will I receive a receipt for transactions?
Paper receipts are not issued for transactions in the e-Bullion® system. You will always be able to retrieve your entire account history. When signed into your account you may view all transactions, past history, etc. To print out a hard copy record of a particular transaction, simply click on the Transaction ID and a pop-up window will provide specific details on that individual transaction.

What is a "timed session" sign-off?
Currently, account activity sessions are limited to 15 minutes, after which you will be signed out of your account automatically and the session will be terminated. Fifteen minutes is usually more than ample time to conduct the average transaction. If more time is still needed, it will be necessary for you to sign in again. These automatic timed session sign-offs are designed to protect you and the security of your account.

Why are e-Bullion® services not offered in some areas?
Some states and jurisdictions may require the acquisition of a specialized business license under local law, in connection with some of the services we offer. Rather than bearing the administrative burden of meeting these multiple licensing requirements, we choose not to offer e-Bullion® services in those areas.

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